Friday 13 April 2012

What's Next?

After you've looked at the post below this which shows some of the street scenes we created, check out some similar scenes drawn/painted by other students at the Laugh, Paint, Create site. 

What did they do differently? What kind of different effects were created.?

Try recreating your picture with oil pastels/crayons and watercolour washes. Or create riverbank scene (either as a collage or by drawing) and reflect the images of trees and grass in the water. How will the reflections change if the water is still and calm, or rippling or rushing?

Look at some pictures of Sydney Harbour or other waterfront cities.
(image from

Create a modern city reflection painting or collage. Maybe a night time scene instead of daylight? How would you change the way you paint the water reflections. What about the sky? Try a New Year's Eve scene with fireworks.

Write a procedure for the task we completed in class or for something you create in your own time.

Write a review of The Hero of Little Street, by Gregory Rogers 
(image from

Plan and illustrate your own graphic novel (or graphic short story) in the style of Gregory Rogers (remember, he lets the pictures tell the story, but you might want to jot down some words to help you plan)

Do you have any other ideas to share? Please post them in the comments.

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